
PSX2017发布会:《啪嗒砰2》 重制版登陆PS4 啪嗒砰 2

《啪嗒砰 2(Patapon 2)》重制版确认登陆PS4平台。

这款音乐节奏2D游戏续作将会在2018年登陆PS4平台。此次重制版将会支持PS4 Pro的4K分辨率,并有全新小游戏、新啪嗒砰种类和进化以及8种击鼓节奏。玩家将能够创造自己的啪嗒砰英雄。

PSX 2017: Patapon 2 Remastered Announced for PlayStation 4


原版《啪嗒砰(Patapon)》在今年早些时候登录了PS4平台。像《啪嗒砰2》重制版一样,它也增强了画质,并支持PS4 Pro的4K分辨率。

In Patapon 2, a follow-up to the original that received critical acclaim, players are tasked with leading the colorful Patapons, a brave and noble tribe now in an unfamiliar land, through a series of epic battles against the opposing army and gigantic monsters. In a distinct gameplay twist, action and rhythm are intertwined as players utilize drumbeats to march, attack, and defend, ultimately leading the Patapon tribe to victory. Delivering more content and better gameplay in the single-player experience and introducing multi-player gameplay to the franchise through Game Sharing, Patapon 2 brings back the scampering eyeballs armed and more ready than ever for battle. <p> With 200%+ more content than the original, Patapon 2 features close to a hundred missions in a variety of new vivid 2D environments.  Players will outfit their Patapon army, collect resources, and grow their tribe into a devastating fighting force. Patapon 2 also presents new Patapon characters, including bird ri

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