
《巫师3》针对Xbox One X推出画面补丁 - 巫师3:狂猎

《巫师3:狂猎(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)》为新主机Xbox One X推出画面补丁,增加了两种图像显示模式。

开发商CD Projekt RED在博客中对更新做出详细说明。本次补丁为游戏做出了许多图像化改进,游戏增加了4K模式和性能模式可供选择。在4K模式下,《巫师3:狂猎》将支持4K分辨率并稳定30帧运行。而在性能模式下,游戏将以60帧为目标,分辨率也会在1080p的基础上进行提升(最高提升至4K分辨率)。


The world is in chaos. The air is thick with tension and the smoke of burnt villages. The fearsome Empire of Nilfgaard has struck again, ravaging the hapless Northern Kingdoms. The once-mighty who tried to use Geralt for their own gain are now gone. In these uncertain times, no one can say what fortune holds in store, who will bring peace to the world and who will cause it only misery. But a force darker and deadlier emerges. The petty men and women commanding tin-plated armies fail to understand that their conflict is child’s play compared to the Wild Hunt, the otherworldly threat which now looms. These ghastly spectral riders have for ages plagued humankind, bringing misery to the world. Yet this time the Wild Hunt seeks one person in particular: the one individual Destiny itself bestowed upon Geralt, the one soul Geralt considers kin. <p> The climactic third game in the fantasy RPG series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a unique combination of a non-linear story and an open world -- a character-driven, non-linear story experience focused on player choice, tactical combat and a rich, living environment. This world is populated with intelligent inhabitants and animated by new mechanics that make it a dynamic, living, breathing place. As players travel the world, witnessing many a sunrise or sunset, enduring torrential rains or sweltering heat, they see predators hunting their prey, villages defending themselves against monsters, lovers meeting by moonlight. The new in-game economy system varies the price of goods based on surrounding conditions or their place of origin, encouraging players to seek out through hunting and collecting items that are in demand. With a re-envisioned approach to the narrative, the game will be accessible to both newcomers and old time fans, and a tutorial eases players into the game. Combat has been redesigned in order to combine traditional RPG elements with the speed and precision of a dedicated fighting game. All of these gameplay features are integrated into a robust RPG system at the heart of the game.

《巫师3:狂猎》的PS4 Pro版本近期也得到了4K显示支持,并且索尼还会在将来发布独立补丁,针对游戏的HDR以及一些技术性内容做出调整。



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