
卢卡斯影业暂停《星球大战外传》系列开发计划 - 星球大战9


据外媒报道,卢卡斯影业现阶段将专注于《星球大战9(Star Wars: Episode IX)》的开发工作以及之后的《星球大战》新三部曲上。

这一系列的决定无疑与《游侠索罗(Solo: A Star Wars Story)》令人失望的票房成绩有关,尤其在海外市场。这部电影的全球票房仅有3.4亿美元,远远低于其他星球大战电影的票房表现。据悉,该片的损失有可能超过5000万美元。

RUMORED MOVIES<br /> Back when Lucasfilm was developing anthology ideas there were two hot potential films. One became Solo: A Star Wars Story and the other was a Boba Fett film that, as of yet, hasn't gotten off the ground. It's rumored that this was the movie Fantastic Four's Josh Trank was hired to helm, but after he was booted from the project nothing was confirmed. This doesn't mean there still isn't a plan to bring Boba Fett, along with his galactic bounty hunter cohorts, to the big screen. At one point, Guillermo del Toro also approached Lucasfilm with an idea for a Jabba the Hut anthology film and... well, we don't know much more than that. And there's also been chatter about a Yoda standalone (both Samuel L. Jackson and Ian McDiarmid have expressed interest in reprising their Jedi/Sith roles while fans are also clamoring for the Ahsoka Tano character to make her live-action debut). Time will tell if any of these pan out, however.

据知情人透露,目前《星球大战外传》系列欧比·旺项目的工作人员目前已经全部停工。虽然有报道透露《金刚狼3(Logan)》导演詹姆斯·曼高德(James Mangold)与波巴·费特(Boba Fett)外传有过接洽,但这也已经是《游侠索罗:星球大战外传》上映前的动作了。




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