
首批13款初代Xbox游戏加入Xbox One向下兼容计划

微软近日向IGN透露了Xbox One向下兼容功能首批支持的13款初代Xbox游戏。这批游戏将在24号(今天)上架,全部拥有1080p分辨率、更高/更流畅的帧数以及更快的载入时间。


《星球大战:旧共和国武士(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)》

《忍者龙剑传:黑之章(Ninja Gaiden Black)》

《王牌飞行员:复仇大道(Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge)》

《疯狂大乱斗(Fuzion Frenzy)》

《波斯王子:时之沙(Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)》


《脱狱潜龙(Dead to Rights)》


《鬼屋大冒险(Grabbed by the Ghoulies)》

《席德·梅尔的海盗(Sid Meier’s Pirates!)》

《红色派系2(Red Faction II)》

《吸血莱恩2(BloodRayne 2)》

《拳皇新浪潮(The King of Fighters Neowave)》

如果你还有初代Xbox的光碟,现在插入Xbox One的光驱就能玩了,有数字版也行。都没有的话,你还可以在Xbox商店购买它们,大多为9.99美元。

支持System Link多人玩法的游戏如今依然保留了这个机制——而且是跨Xbox平台。笔者开了一局《王牌飞行员》,其中笔者用的是初代Xbox,另一个人用的是Xbox One X,再一个人用的是Xbox One S,第四个人用的是初版Xbox One。不过在线多人模式就不能用了,因为这些游戏的多人服务器已经关了很多年了。

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge combines thrilling aerial combat with the swashbuckling style of a Hollywood action-adventure movie. Set in an alternate 1930s world of gunship diplomacy and sinister intrigue, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge lets gamers pilot powerful aircraft against nefarious air pirates and behemoth war zeppelins. As the daring air pirate Nathan Zachary, leader of the infamous Fortune Hunters, players take off on a high-flying adventure, filled with daring escapes and damsels in distress. Features Xbox Live support for up to 16 players at once.


Expanding on the grueling and action-packed game by Team Ninja, this new edition of <i>Ninja Gaiden</i> (which is rumored to be called <i>Ninja Gaiden Black</i>) is a complete edition of the game, with the two Hurricane Pack downloadable add-ons included in the package for more sword-slicing, wall-running, shuriken-throwing action than you can handle.

“游戏细节一直有,只是当时的技术限制了它”Xbox首席软件工程师Eric Heutchy说道,《疯狂大乱斗》“扭曲系统”小游戏中鸭子图标上的橙色账单和黑色描边在1080p分辨率下清晰可见。

“忘掉笨重的教学关吧,”《旧共和国武士》的首席设计师James Ohlen在被问道要给第一次玩游戏的人什么建议时,他笑着告诉IGN,“这游戏是那个时代的典型产物。”

The role-playing game from veteran developers Bioware is set in an ancient version of the Star Wars universe, when both Jedi and Sith number in the thousands. It is four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. As the last hope of the Jedi, you must lead a band of freedom fighters in an epic struggle to save the galaxy. Can you master the awesome power of the Force on your quest to save the Republic? Or will you fall to the lure of the dark side? Hero or villain, savior or conqueror you must choose wisely as you alone will determine the destiny of the entire galaxy. <p> Players train as a Jedi Knight and choose which path of The Force they want to follow: the honorable Light Side or the passionate Dark Side. The hybrid combat system combines turn-based and action elements into a totally new style of gameplay: slow enough to let players soak up the details of the story, but never bogged down by fruitless qu

谈到接下来还会有哪些初代Xbox游戏加入兼容计划,微软的团队称会考量各种期待——不过他们理由很到位。“一份关键游戏的精确榜单才是我们需要的,”Xbox平台负责人Bill Stillwell告诉IGN,他提到初代Xbox游戏的许多发行商要么不存在了;要么合同丢失了(因为当时的合同都是纸质的);要么是特定的歌曲有授权问题等等。因此,虽然微软技术上能够让它们和Xbox One兼容,但这在法律层面行不通。

