
《腐烂国度》《终极街头霸王4》加入Xbox Game Pass - Xbox One

微软(Microsoft)近日宣布,Xbox Game Pass将在10月1日迎来7款新游戏。

Xbox资讯站透露更多细节,以下7款游戏将加入到Xbox Game Pass服务当中。

《腐烂国度:周年生存版(State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition)》

《终极街头霸王4(Super Street Fighter IV)》

《黑道圣徒:杀出地狱(Saint's Row: Gat Out of Hell)》

《万圣节大作战2(Costume Quest 2)》

《枪之塔(Tower of Guns)》

《昆虫屠夫(The Bug Butcher)》

《被诅咒的卡斯蒂利亚:被诅咒的城堡(Maldita Castilla EX – Cursed Castle)》

Xbox Game Pass是10美元/8英镑每月的收费服务项目,可以免费提供给订阅者下载100多款游戏。Xbox Game Pass每月都会更新游戏动态,会有新游戏加入,也会有老游戏退出。

此外,《腐烂国度》的续作《腐烂国度2(State of Decay 2)》将在2018年上半年发售。

In the multiplayer zombie survival game State of Decay 2, build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world that remembers the choices you make. <p> Each survivor in State of Decay 2 is their own person, with a unique mix of background traits, skills, and attitudes that determine what they can do, what they want, and what they are willing to do to get it. Use your community’s unique array of individuals to forge a path through the game that is personal to you. Your choices shape the identity of your community, ensuring that no two stories are alike. Explore an open, simulated world filled with dynamic zombie and human enemies, friendly survivors to recruit into your community, and valuable resources and gear necessary to keep your people alive. Play solo, or for the first time ever in the State of Decay franchise, with up to three of your friends. Each player maintains command of their own personal community and roster of characters.

微软还公布了10月金会员游戏,包括《到家:主机版(Gone Home: Console Edition)》《图灵测试(The Turing Test)》等游戏。

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