开发商抱怨3DS自掘坟墓 开发包昂贵常缺货
发表时间:2011-09-12 作者:互联网 来源:互联网
日本游戏商业巨头任天堂将慢慢把现有型号的3DS扼杀掉,不管是消费者还是开发商都对该系统没有产生足够的兴趣。 前段时间法国01net.yzz.cn也曾经发表了两篇长文,以匿名的人士的身份以宏观(鸟瞰)角度,分析了5点目前任天堂主机3DS(和将来的WiiU)所面临的困难,让外界了解究竟任天堂内部发生了什么事情。 其中提到一点的是任天堂将在2012年推出一款新机型,把3D显示这个卖点削减掉,来争取更多的低龄用户和打消家长3D对儿童视力损害的问题,新机型很可能采用新的命名和设计。这也似乎解释了任天堂不得不放弃利润,采用大削价来处理掉现有机型的库存,这种情况让人想起了惠普对其失败的产品TouchPad的举措---这产品曾导致惠普将其雪崩价倾销。 另外在业界恶名昭著的“任天堂准入”政策导致于第三方糟糕关系的问题,也是任天堂面临的大难题。作为任天堂的软件开发工具(development kits)伙伴,丸红株式会社(Marubeni)和Kyoto Electric株式会社提供的产品不仅售价高昂让人咋舌而且异常稀有(一周甚至不能量产一百件)。 这些问题造成了许多严重的瓶颈效应,一些游戏开发商想做3DS却面临没有周全的开发工具和技术支持,没有众多厂商的支持任天堂的雄心也是难有作为的。 原文: Japanese gaming giant Nintendo looks set to kill the current version of Nintendo 3DS as the appeal of the third dimension in gaming isnt strong enough to pull developers and customers. French website 01net.yzz.cn has published two lengthy articles in a series of five looking at the current difficulties being faced by Nintendo with the first part looking at the 3DS and the second at the Wii U through the eyes of an anonymous insider who has a superb insight (and birds view) of what happening inside the company. One of the rumours singled out by the French tech website hints at a new version of the 3DS which would come out in 2012 and would move away from using 3D as its main selling point. believes that would certainly mean a new name for the console and a new design. This would explain why Nintendo was not reluctant to slash the price of the 3DS as it gradually gets rid of existing stock even if it means - like the HP TouchPad - losing money in the short term. Part of the current problem stems from the fact that Nintendo is a notoriously difficult partner when it comes to games validation. 01net describes how the software development kits produced by Nintendos partners Kyoto Electric and Marubeni are not only expensive but quite rare as well (less than a hundred produced per week). This creates a serious bottleneck for game studios that want to develop for the 3DS but cant because of the lack of adequate tools. Arguably, detailed account (RTF document) should be taken with a heavy pinch of salt and it is understandable that the website chose to have a preamble explaining that it is not out to torpedo Nintendos gaming ambition but to help it instead. [编辑:小苗] |